Feb 22, 2012

Why I started this blog

I have learned so much through my years working with horses and with and for horse people. My work has shown me that most soundness issues are caused by riders, trainers, popular trends in tack and farriery, and by a lack of understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the ridden horse. In this blog I hope to present my experiences with soundness issues in an interesting, readable, and entertaining way. I am currently caring for 7 horses in various stages of soundness and rideability. I hope you will enjoy my journey with them as we work to restore them to physical and emotional soundness.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you started this! Looking forward to more. :)

    1. Thank you Nancy! You were the final motivation, you know >;->

  2. Love it! And the name is perfect! :)

    1. Thanks Lindsey! You were certainly a big part of the experiments through the years. I know you will carry on with the right attitudes all through your vet school years, and become the kind of vet who GETS IT.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Bets! You have certainly heard some of the stories through the years >;->

  4. Hi Abby - Bravo to you for creating this blog! I consider myself lucky, as I'm already familiar with some of the magic you do. I can't wait to hear your stories and follow your adventures -- and your horses' adventures -- as they begin new lives with you.

    1. You were the resource I needed Katie. Studying your blog and reading your comments helped me in so many ways. Your the Horses Dont Cry Fairy Godmother!
