Ill briefly relate the other two experiments I did with the LIJ work that made me comfortable that it worked, though I certainly did not really get how. I had a semi retired hunter, Max, who had been plagued with blocked tear ducts for the several years I had owned him. Treatment entailed a vet call and a flush. Max had been on the track and had suffered a mouth injury as a young horse. He was really phobic about his face and would fly backward if he felt threatened there in any way. The tear duct flush was always an ordeal that necessitated lots of ace or rompum, a twitch, a chain. I hated it for him. One of Linda’s touch things was supposed to clear blocked tear ducts. So I figure, what the heck. Max was drippy again and I knew I would have to have Doc out soon for the dreaded flush. I didn’t have anything to lose.
As usual, he was very worried and anxious as I started to fiddle with his face. I started in his mouth, like I had with Dixie . Floating teeth had also always been a huge dustup with massive amounts of tranq, a big fight, and a mad vet, every time. I did the same treat bribe that I had done with Dix. I also dipped my fingers in molasses, which he loved. So I got my fingers in his mouth eventually and did the soft rubs and presses and manipulations. I did not feel that overpowering sadness that I had experienced with Dix. But there was definitely a sense of relief and gratitude. I was so intrigued by these emotions but after my chat with the Other Abby had given up trying to understand it and just told myself, ‘ok, you’re a vehicle’. I was rolling my eyes with half of my brain and thinking WTH with the other side. But whatever, he clearly loved it.
I moved from his mouth, nose, and cheeks to his eyes. I did the little circles along the path that I knew went from eyes to nose. I did it several times, both sides, and also on his forehead since Linda said that is very calming. He certainly stayed very relaxed and quiet with it, and blew softly several times during and after.
Sure enough, the next day his face was clear. It was clear. No ifs, no partials, no maybes. It was clear. Man! I so wanted to be able to pooh-pooh this since it went so against my engineer type ‘please I have to *measure* it!’ brain. But there it was. No eye goop, no drainage.
So now I had two times of the TTouch stuff working. I still refused to learn the dumb names, still thought that the majority of the people who were TTouchHeads were totally lame, and still didn’t tell any of my horsie friends what I was playing about.
The third ‘well, there you have it, explain *that* away’ episode was with one of the school horses at the eventing barn I rode at briefly. He was spooky and looky and I was deep in my SS (Scared S***less) phase. I dreaded seeing my name with his on the lesson board. I was early one morning and had time to kill. The school horses were kept in standing stalls for the day. Before I tacked him up I did the face stuff on him. I spent no more than twenty minutes on his forehead, at his poll, and on his mouth and face, then off we went for the lesson in the indoor. It was winter, so as usual the snow would crash off the roof and all the horses would take off. Usually this guy was the first to levitate and the last to land, and would prance around most of the lesson, spooking at shadows in the corners and reacting to every gust of wind. That day, he cruised around, quiet as can be. If I were being anthropomorphic, I would say he was ‘thoughtful’. The trainer remarked on it, though of course she had no idea and I certainly didn’t tell her.
These clinics and the resulting practice sessions were so hard for me to accept. But what could I do? I had to change my whole frame of reference about horses and riding. It wasn’t going to be easy. But when in doubt, I always let the horses tell me the ‘truth’ of a method. And the ones that I was experimenting on were all saying ‘Thank you!’ I had no choice but to listen, and keep learning.
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